Goals for One Year Olds
These goals represent an overview of the social, emotional, physical and academic skills that we are teaching the children throughout this year. This list is not exhaustive, but a guide and we will ensure that we are using developmentally appropriate methods to complete these goals.
Children will learn how to develop friendships
The teachers and staff will help encourage children’s curiosity and exploration
The teachers and staff will have teacher directed whole group activities to help boost your child’s social skills
The teachers and staff will provide opportunities to help children to express emotions appropriately
Children will learn to share and play with others appropriately
Children will learn self-care skills
The teachers and staff will teach skills that will help develop large motor skills
Children will develop their language and communication skills
The teachers and staff will teach the children to use expressive language through songs, conversation, dramatic play, interaction with classmates, and circle time
The teachers and staff will provide activities that are focused on dramatic play and creative arts
Children will participate in sensory exploration
The teachers, staff, and librarian will help to develop an interest in books by encouraging children to hold books and “read” using pictures
The teachers and staff will provide activities to help children match colors
The teachers and staff will use storytelling to help encourage language and listening skill